Count Chocula cereal

1970s *Count Chocula*, *Franken Berry* & *Boo Berry* Monster Breakfast Cereal Commercial.

Mascot: Cartoon vampire;
The name is a pun
on the vampire
Count Dracula
Voiced by Larry Kenney impersonating Bela Lugosi
Introduced: 1971
Availability: Still in production seasonally
Tagline: I want to eat your cereal!

The General Mills Corporation’s monster-themed breakfast cereals, officially referred to collectively as the Monster Cereals, are five current, and formerly-distributed, breakfast cereal brands in North America. The series includes Count Chocula, Franken Berry, and Boo-Berry, in addition to the long-discontinued, but temporarily resurrected, Fruit Brute and Fruity Yummy Mummy.

In October 1971, the first two cereals in the line were introduced, Count Chocula and the strawberry-flavored Franken Berry. In the commercials, the two monsters would engage in comic bickering over which cereal was better than the other when something or someone else interfered in their verbal sparring and scares them out of their wits.

In February 1972, Franken Berry cereal included an indigestible pigment that turned some children’s feces pink, a symptom sometimes referred to as “Franken Berry Stool.” Boo-Berry, reputedly the first blueberry-flavored cereal, was released in 1973, and Fruit Brute the following year. Fruit Brute was discontinued by 1982 and replaced in 1987 by Fruity Yummy Mummy, which also had a short life as it was discontinued in 1992.

In 2010, Betty Crocker released Franken Berry and Boo-Berry Fruit Roll-Ups. General Mills released Count Chocula cereal bars.

Since 2010, Franken Berry, Boo-Berry, and Count Chocula cereals are manufactured and sold only for a few months during the autumn/Halloween season in September and October. These cereals are neither made nor sold the rest of the year. As of late 2010, information such as nutrition data and historical factoids can still be found on the official General Mills website at all times of the year.

In August 2013, it was revealed on Dinosaur Dracula that for the first time in history, General Mills was releasing all five monster cereals for purchase during the Halloween season. Both Fruit Brute, which was being released for the first time in 31 years and Fruity Yummy Mummy, which was being released for the first time in 21 years, would also receive updated packaging like the other cereals. Additionally, it was revealed on I-Mockery that special retro edition boxes of all five cereals with their original packaging art would be sold exclusively at Target.

In 2014, General Mills enlisted the help of DC Comics to create new designs for the cereals in time for that Halloween. The designs, revealed on August 6, consisted of a Boo Berry design by Jim Lee, a Count Chocula design by Terry Dodson and a Franken Berry design by Dave Johnson


Who is Jedih Obbit

“Who is Jedih Obbit?” …I thought you’d never ask…

Jedih is the only kid that had your back, even if he was your imaginary friend. Your only true pal that stood by you when you got beat up by that bully, had snot and red coming out your nose. Even though you were both out manned and out numbered, your friend Jedih still managed to muster the courage to yell out…

“You want some more of this punk, come and get some!

… then managed to help you up and run off with you quick fast hoping you would both live to fight another day!

 Jedih is You, Jedih is Me… Jedih is an Outsider, a True G, a true friend when times get tough, the best of the Kid in all of us!

Jedih is the Hero we all wanna be!

Can I take your order? 
“uhhhm, yeah, I’ll have a double order of deep fried 80’s with extra cheese please.”

Come explore with Jedih. Why? Because you need a Hero and you’ll benefit from a couple “S and Gees”


Jedih Obbit is a Space Samurai in well worn house slippers, eating cereal at 3 am watching the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special

Jedih Obbit has hairy feet, Yeti breath, an invisible cloak and wears a Count Chocula mood ring… but never lived in a hole

Jedih Obbit is soda & Pop Rocks for breakfast during a Saturday After School Special on a rainy Sunday morn…

Jedih Obbit is a spooky movie in the dark, with a Scooby Doo flashlight lit under a couch and blanket fort…

Jedih Obbit is an honorary Goonie with a Evel Knievel toothbrush in blown out Fat Albert Underoos…

Jedih Obbit is the sound of Pop Rocks in your mouth while your hiding out planning a good scare…

Jedih Obbit died soon after a long fought civil war, those kind of cars don’t pass you every day…

Jedih Obbit has eatin’ enough Halloween candy to feed an elephant twice, maybe even thrice…

Jedih Obbit sometimes daydreams about what it would be like to have super powers…

Jedih Obbit  wishes that all amusement parks were open 25 hours a day and free…

Jedih Obbit knows there’s only 24 hours in a day, but summer days are longer…

Jedi Obbit loves his friends the same whether they love Trek or Wars…

Jedih Obbit knows when to holdem and knows when to foldem…

Jedih Obbit knows you gotta kick the Wolfman in the nards…

Jedih Obbit  is a bike with an old orange banana seat…

Jedih Obbit has entered and reached the Dark Tower…

Jedih Obbit is milk bubbles coming out of your nose…

Jedih Obbit showed Hoggle the way out of the maze…

Jedih Obbit is a one boy Mad, Mad Monster Party…

Jedih Obbit has been a Fat Boy and a Skinny Boy…

Jedih Obbit has a Slinky and rides a Big Wheel

Jedih Obbit knows Weird Al from Dr. Demento…

Jedih Obbit “Is not the droid your looking for”…

Jedih obbit has a crush on Pippy Long Booty…

Jedih Obbit is the Bionic Bigfoots only friend…

Jedih Obbit is bubbles in a warm bath tub…

Jedih Obbit’s heart belongs to Hobo Kelly…

Jedih Obbit will never forget  Joe Pipkin

Jedih Obbit ate Breakfast with the Club…

Jedih Obbit is a Poodoo master of none…

Jedih Obbit has the Power of the Glow…

Jedih Obbit is a Rockem Sockem Robot…

Jedih Obbit is a Jack wild of all trades…

Jedih Obbit needs the secret password…

Jedih Obbit is your favorite sneakers...

Jedih Obbit rolls Blunts like Red Man…

Jedih Obbit gonna need a bigger boat…

Jedih Obbit hacked a Speak and spell…

Jedih Obbit is the smell of Pop Tarts…

Jedih Obbit agrees with Mr. Bueller

Jedih Obbit found the Golden ticket…

Jedih Obbit has the Eye of the Tiger…

Jedih Obbit ain’t afraid of no ghost…

Jedih Obbit is a secret decoder ring…

Jedih Obbit rolled with the Bandits…

Jedih Obbit is the New Zoo Revue…

Jedih Obbit walked the railroad…

Jedih Obbit fights for his right

Jedih Obbit laughs at a good fart…

Jedih Obbit is the kid in all of us…

Jedih Obbit lives on Beat Street

Jedih Obbit says “it’s our time”…

Jedih Obbit is the Purple rain…

Jedih Obbit swam in the pool…

Jedih Obbit says stay Golden..

Jedih Obbit is a Time Bandit

Jedih Obbit knows Kung Fu...

Jedih Obbit is Good times

Jedih Obbit is you & me…

Jedih Obbit is forever…

Jedih Obbit just is…

Jedih Obbit


… “It’s our time!, it’s our time down here.”

      The  “Let me be me” “Disclaimer:

As you have most likely already assumed, I’m just “Me” and I  like to ramble on about life and talk about random day dreams, childhood moments and sometimes I get sidetracked and go off subject and blah , blah, blaahhh blah blah…

but hey, that’s all part my charm.. or so I’ve been told.  <(Never been told that)

(Imagine you heard an 80’s movie dog bark sound effect here)

(Jedih says enthusiastically) “Oh yeah, sorry about the barking!”

“Zip it Zilla!”

That’s just my furry lil’ pet website Blogzilla Rex…  B Zilla, Big Rex, Bizzle Zizzle, Puff Zilla, Pipkin Z, Pippy Long sizzle…

FizgigI reluctantly named him Blogzillla Rex because apparently, Fizgig was takin’  *Pfft*

Blogzilla is a moody lil’ chap and I cannot promise he wont bite, but once he gets to know you he’ll be humpin’ your leg and beggin’ for treats. (Just toss him a few bacon wrapped cat turds and he’ll be a friend for life)



             W.T.F. is this all about?

Well pardner, this here’s an uncomplicated little place where I like to collect and share random videos, story’s and other goodies from around the web. It’s all about Pop culture snacks… Kinda like munchies for your brain.

Me and Rex enjoy sharing tasty little goodies such as 80s Sci-fi and adventure movies, Vintage videos and old toy commercials… You know the kinda stuff… Vintage dookie like this.

No worry’s if it ain’t your cup of tea, but if your bored and want to waste a few spins of the old clock arms, well, you might just find some golden kernels of wacky shizz. That’s only if your not a’scared and your ready for a kooky good time.


         A bit about Jedih and the guys from 3D:

We like to get together and let the brain juices flow… you know, turn on the idea factory.

Musical jam sessions have been known to occur in the studio. You can also find us hanging outside with Jumbo Joe, the trusty 3D BBQ

ain’t nuthin’ like the great outdoors, a coldie and a fresh plate of Q… Makes the heart all warm and fuzzy just thinkin’ about it.


         Thrills, chills and M.C. skills we bring to the table:

Coming up with names for bands, movies and others projects that don’t even exist is one of our favorite pastimes.

Sometimes we even review movies, music and current pop culture stuff. < (not really, but we plan on it)

We can be all over the place man, but we have a good time and a few belly laughs while were at it.

We enjoy pondering the future as well as reminiscing on the past. I guess you could call us pop culture enthusiasts… You can call us what you like just don’t call us late for num nums!



FlynnsIf your anything like me, you get a kick out of old school commercials, wacky 80s B movies, crappy Sci-fi, Kung Fu movies, Comics, Cartoons, Obscure video games, Funny memes, epic (and even not so epic) fails and such. Oh, I almost forgot to include Burt Reynolds mustache.

Well, then that means your in like Flynn.

Yours unruly,

Jedih and the 3D boys



and so the The Funtastic Adventure begins